Thursday, March 12, 2009

Plant sperm!!!!!

Getting older... and appearing wiser.

Just like everyone else I have been reading on the economy, or is that having news of it shoved down my throat.. either way, I formed some opinions early on, that somehow seemed ahead of the curve. Instead of screaming about it... I just kept mulling it over, until I felt I had a pretty idea of my position. This morning I finally ran into someone that was having the same "ah HA!" moment, that I had already gone through. We had a good chat on it, and basically concluded the following:

This year is gonna suck.
The next 10 years will probably suck... about on par with 1979 to 1990. Yes, case you missed it, times were hard for a lot of folks during that time.
The governments new method for dealing with the same type crisis, is to tax and spend in the name of keeping money flowing. So unlike in the 1980's where those that DID save had at least a little money to invest, this time, your money will be taken forcably as taxes and you will have no chance to participate in the recovery. Its lose in the market then loose to the government.

Any winners? Well I hear that AIG... you know AIG; the private insurance that the government gave 300 BILLION dollars to, to bail them out; well seems they have enough money that they in turn are buying up other failing investment firms. So lets see if I got this right: AIG is going to be given my money so they can buy up firms which are under-valued due to AIG's malfeasance.. but since the government gave them MY money, I will not have any to invest in the market. Yep guberment at work.

In other news, my daughter washed 2 cars this weekend.... just 2 days before every tree in the state cut loose with more pollen than has been seen in years. Everything is yellow-green!

Speaking of pollen. Ok so this stuff is EVERYWHERE... it gets tracked in the house, in the cars, on the cars, in the driveway, on the windows... what is this stuff? Its pollen, you know plants create pollen which is then transfered to the "flower" of a like plant to produce a seed ( usually in the form of nut, fruit, berry). So the flower is pretty much akin to female reproductive system, leaving pollen to equate to male.....
Thats right, your house, car, clothes... are all covered in plant sperm. I am now patiently waiting to look wise while folks from around the country contend with this attack of thier prudish sensabilites.... if we can block smut on TV... surely we can outlaw plants from fornacation in public!

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