Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The New Stimulus Bill of Feb 2009

I hear that Obama has signed, or will sign the new stimulus package. I am sad. This 800 Billion spending spree, will cost each tax-payer approximately $244,000... nearly a quarter of a million dollars. And... that is on top of all other taxes the tax payer must pay. I could probably digg around for the real numbers, but I suspect that a hard working, non-college educated person ( such as works in hospitality), could safely assume that is equal to half of thier lifetime income. Considering that all other taxes must be paid as well.. such a person could see 5/6 of all their income ever earned taxed away. Of course, given the norm, that would not happen... instead taxes will need to be raised on those BETTER able to afford it. Though I am not sure there are enough of them, now or for a good while into the future.

The details of what we are going to spend this on are still comming out, but by all account there is plenty of pork:

a mag-lev train from Disney World CA to Vegas NV -1 BILLION Dollars!
new golf carts for federal employees to cruise around Washington DC
another stab at "clean coal" - a failed program abondoned by Bush and critizied by everyone EXCEPT the coal companies.

To be sure, this is probably a "better", than just giving money back to taxpayers, in terms of the money being spent to create jobs (over here), Ala Bush, but by all accounts.. this bill is a good bit longer on spending (on anything) than on creating new jobs, or re-building infrastructure.

In other news... it seems that the state of Mississippi, would be slated to recieve 2 billion dollars. However the Governor, is actually wanting to look at the bill, as there may be conditions that would have to be met, including the changing of current MS state laws... Ok, he just went UP several notches in my book. As far as I am concerned, they can give us the money no strings attached.. or they can go jump in a lake.

My expectations are such: I completely expect the spending of the money to cost $200 Billion. That is to say that of the $800 billion to be spent, only $600 will actually be put into "purchases" with a full 1/4 lost to government overhead. Of the $600 Billion that is spent I expect 50% to be mismanaged or basically stolen. Of the remaining $300 Billion that is spent I expect 50% to be further mismanaged ( at a lower level) such that even though the project is completed, it is not functional or will end up costing so much in maintenance or ongoing costs, that it will be scraped, later. Whew... bleak yes? So of the remaining $150 Billion, hopefully some good will come of it.

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